Ts2 Bacc Gallery
knitting gift
beginning knitting
Snips is a clothing store and salon that only opens at night. Truly, an interesting business strateg
The townspeople mean no harm and are invited into the house. Isaac, ever the sociable type, welcomes
Year 1 - Summer - VargasRoseview’s a small town and the news of a new family spreads quickly.
Rosa Vargas, 26Rosa and her sister quietly came to Roseview under cover of night. Despite the unusua
Year 1 - Summer - MorganThat was one hectic summer for Marcus but at least he’s finally settli
Marcus: I hope the twins weren’t too much trouble.Jack: They’re angels, honestly. We mad
With Jack taking care of the twins, Marcus drops by the diner to promote Choon-hee to manager and to
Year 1 - Summer - VargasPretty successful first season for the Vargas sisters!bought SnipsSnips reac
With someone else overseeing the store, Rosa and Alicia get a quiet night in for the first time sinc
That night, Rosa hires Logan to be Snips’ manager.
Townie Logan MaClay (who was first seen at Rosa’s house party) came over for an ACR booty call
Rosa finally meets the mayor and Alicia seems to be slowly making over every townie in Roseview!Astr
Rosa hires teen townie Thomas Reyes to head the register just in time as business booms!
The first week of the Davis Household in this BACC consisted of writing articles, flower arranging,