Ts2recolors Gallery
Recolors of StylistSims’ dining chair. Mesh included.TS2 DOWNLOAD
Recolors of Slox’ Pace bedding and Pixelry’s TS2 conversion.Get the TS4 mesh: HERE
How can it be…that I haven’t done this already? Slap my ts4 recolors on the Sims2 o
Homeroxana at SimPearls asked for conversion of my ts4 pots. I decided to use the textures on Pixelr
I had these sets floating on my desktop. I gathered them in one set.Recolors of Nelphael’s fak
Recolors of Fakeblood’s 4to2 conversions. Meshes: HERETS2 DOWNLOAD
Recolors of Fake Blood’s conversion of the Alcova bed and bedding by Novvvas.Meshes are: HERET
Recolors(35) of Nelphaell/Hyde’s Big rugs. The 7x9 is the master to the 3 smaller ones.Meshes
Recolors of Candy Darling’s conversion of Eniosta’s Moski seating, Pixelry’s conve
Recolors of Samantaablack’s conversion of Veritas’ Bioshock Hydrangea‘s. Mesh