Tunnel Piercing Of Nipples Gallery
bright colours
A sneak-peak of my tunnel, had to use a ½" / 12mm taper to get it into place ;-)
Cam Damage
Tunnel, plug, expander | via Facebook on We Heart It. weheartit.com/entry/74923345
altmodelgirlcrush2: Jodie Christina
norablvck: www.instagram.com/nora_black
My pierced earsLeft Ear2 x Tragus1 x Rook1 x Anti-Tragus2 x Inner Conch2 x Lobe1 x Lobe stretched to
Stretching update My right ear with beautiful 4mm, 5mm and 30mm lobe piercings.The goal size for my
My pierced ears and recent order from Crazy Factory shop! :D
32mm main tunnels, 4mm and 6mm, and 7mm tunnels
freakshow #me #selfie #peace #love #life #metal #metalgirl #stretchers #stretchedears #plugs #tunnel
altmodelgirlcrush2: Jodie Christina
keres-nirvana: Sadly missing one tunnel as I had a mishap so I need to redo that piercing in the ne
rita-haxx:pussymodsgaloreShe has a HCH piercing with a flesh tunnel, a piercing actually through her
tattoosub:Traumhafte Piercings Geile Tunnel mit Ringen drin.
A sneak-peak of my tunnel, had to use a ½" / 12mm taper to get it into place ;-)
Medusa and nostril. piercingprincess.tumblr.com/
key-h0le: fayelina: key-h0le: Chilling under a bridge yo So damn gorgeous Awh you cutie c:
Very beautiful! piercingprincess.tumblr.com/
Eyebrow and lip piercing. piercingprincess.tumblr.com
My mission in life is to take breaks. If there is no breaks every 30-45 seconds I can’t ev
My recent Crazy Factory order and my ears :D sorry for quality of pics, my phone sucks xD