Twelft Doctor Gallery
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Tenth Doctor Dressed as Twelve
lonelygodinthetardis:The Day of the Doctor // Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS // Face the Raven
captryanclark:Doctor Who - 8x02 - “Into The Dalek”▬ The Doctor and his hands
dailydwgifs:SMILE |10x02
brushrealityaside:lazoey:AU MEME | Idris Elba as the 12th DoctorI. WOULD. DIE. INTHEBESTWAYPOSSIBLE.
dwvids:9:01 Deep Breath // 10:01 The Pilot
cleowho:“Not as yet.”Robot of Sherwood - series 08 - 2014
hellofabird:doctor who meme - favorite doctor - twelfth doctor
charlesdances:Whouffaldi | Side by Side“Let’s do it like we’ve done everything else…together.”
minimoefoe:doctor who + moments that get me every time 34/?: world enough and time (10.11)
twelvethirteens: DOCTOR WHO + FLOWER SYMBOLISM (part 2) (pt1) (pt3)
jossujb:I am not very ready to say goodbye to Twelve, he’s still my “new Doctor” :C
sharoncarrter:Be happy.