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anyatylor:Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden | Fight Club
“Hey, you created me. I didn’t create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel b
“We should do this again some time”
“It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do
“You met me at a very strange time in my life”
The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. The second rule of fight club is y
“I want you to hit me as hard as you can”
“Tyler, you’re the worst thing that ever happened to me”
fincheress: Brad Pitt as Tyler DurdenFight Club (1999, David Fincher)
davidmills: You should join our club.Brad Pitt as Tyler DurdenFIGHT CLUB (1999) dir. David Fincher
sgtpeper:naturally-frakking-intelligent:I’m all for Tyler DurdenTriforcism!