Uk Mumblr Gallery
We’re kid free today! Yay for Grammy’s house
For as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.
My whole world in one picture. ❤❤
My baby is growing so fast. It’s hard to believe he’s 17 months already. Where’s m
My baby boys first hair cut. Argh! He’s so grown up now.
help me with my business!? <3333My name is Casey. I’m 22 years old and the mother of a 3 year old
Just a few pictures from this week ♡♡♡
My Third Trimester and Birth Story:At around 30 weeks pregnant, I started noticing real contractions
One of these three peed on the yoga mat after this pose, ending our practice. (Hint: it wasn’t the d
It’s been so long since we have practiced yoga together I almost forgot how sweet & fun it
Fire Hydrant Pose.
Parivrtta Trikonasana, Revolved Triangle Pose.
Makarasana, Crocodile Pose.
Matsyasana, Fish Pose.
Working through finding our balance in Virabhadrasana III.
My not so graceful entrance intoKukkutasana, Rooster Pose.
Getting back to our routine in 2015.
almostinappropriate: help me with my business!? <3333 My name is Casey. I’m 22 years old and th
28 weeks, 6 days!