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@hononoyh Twitter update10-01-2015RGT:“And today’s lunch, what my teacher recommended.Mi
@hononoyh Twitter update10-01-2015RGT:“Photo the other day at Odoya. Were we ate.(?) Holding a
@hononoyh Twitter update10-03-2015“Speaking class. Potluck party♪Thai food, Korean food, C
@hononoyh Twitter update10-03-2015RGT:“I received a lesson.”(?)
@hononoyh Twitter update10-03-2015RGT:“Made meat and potatoes in NY. I’m quite g
@hononoyh Twitter update10-05-2015RGT:“Long stable hair.”(?)
@hononoyh Twitter update10-05-2015RGT:“Fun winding. Was somehow different from last year.
@hononoyh Twitter update10-05-2015RGT:“For the first time. Long nails. Paint in red.”(?)
@hononoyh Twitter update10-08-2015“I finished a speaking test!!!NEXT!!I’m going
@hononoyh Twitter update10-09-2015RGT:“I said my name Honoka many times (?)It was changed to L
@hononoyh Twitter update10-12-2015RGT:“First Broadway in a month.Have to explore more.”(
@hononoyh Twitter update10-12-2015RGT:“Matilda!!!Once again on Broadway and I also watched it
@hononoyh Twitter update10-17-2015RGT:“Olga in class.We both wear chiffon skirt.”(?)
@hononoyh Twitter update10-17-2015RGT:“I watched a movie today in New York for the first t
@hononoyh Twitter update10-19-2015“I hang out with MocaThank you.”other photos c
@hononoyh Twitter update10-19-2015RGT:“Why make up is dark.Face looks like a child.Cut the
220502 Rocket Punch Instagram Update1000 days with Rocket Punch From the 1st days until the 1000th
Big Leaf a Day update13: Tulip poplar, Oakland near the Cathedral of Learning14: Basswood aka Americ
Big Leaf A Day update16: Blackberry from the Ora Anderson trail near the Dairy Bar in Athens17: Blac