Urbex Exploration Gallery
sock dreams
halloween 3
Abandoned Coffin Factory棄てられた棺桶工場,日本
Aioi Primary School - B相生小学校,日本
Kishu Mine紀州鉱山,日本
Malsis. North Yorkshire, England.Went here in the hope of Urbex but way too late. Malsis Hall is set
Natures Reclamation.
Abandoned Mansion - A森の廃洋館,日本
Aioi Primary School - A相生小学校,日本
Kawaii!! Spherical Gondola - A丸いゴンドラのロープウェイ,日本
Suhara Clinic - A洲原村診療所,日本
Yubari Driving School夕張自動車教習所,北海道,日本
Abandoned Mansion - B森の廃洋館,日本
Abandoned “Konoji” hospital- Aコの字医院,日本
Abandoned “Konoji” hospital- Bコの字医院,日本
Abandoned Cemetery山奥の無縁墓地,日本
Kawaii!! Spherical Gondola - B丸いゴンドラのロープウェイ,日本
Milson’s Point drain
A Floral welcome at Knaresborough rail station, North Yorkshire, England.
Ravenscar Mock Fort, North Yorkshire, England.
Rust in Peace.
Théâtre Empress : L’entréeMontréal 2020
Piscataway Manor - 2017This house was destroyed and gutted after a landslide. IG: filth_city
Entrepôt SeagulfMontréal, 2020
Théâtre Empress : Scène et régieMontréal 2020