Usermilli Gallery
alessandra ferri
the ships
I’ve never been afraid to take risks. That’s the thing that got me out of my own way.Rihanna by Etha
911 Lone Star | 3x13 “Riddle of the Sphynx” ↳ i’d call them both ma’am
He was worried she would not let him love her with the stain. He had already decided long ago, twent
30 Days to Stranger Things 4: Day 19 - Favorite Location/SettingTHE JUNKYARD
30 Days to Stranger Things 4: Day 18 - Most Underrated CharacterLUCAS SINCLAIR - THE UNDERRATED HERO
30 Days to Stranger Things 4: Day 17 - Favorite Story Arc EL & JIM HOPPER’S RELAT