Vetches Gallery
manga action
hayoung fromis
john raphel
suze rotolo
koezi:Vetches and passion flowers have modified some of their leaves and converted them into tendril
Lentil vetchVicia tetraspermaC Dalgial, CC 3.0
Bush vetchVicia sepiumC Лобачев Владимир, CC 4.0
Hungarian vetchVicia pannonicaC Stefan.lefnaer, CC 3.0
Vicia oroboidesC Roland.aprent, CC 4.0
Giant vetchVicia giganteaC peganum, CC 2.0
Pygmyflower vetchVicia minutifloraC Mason Brock, public domain
Vicia loiseleuriiC Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, CC 4.0
Tiny vetchVicia hirsutaC AnRo0002, CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain
Blister vetchVicia erviliaC LauraHale, CC 3.0
Bush vetchVicia dumetorumC Stefan.lefnaer, CC 4.0
Kashubian vetchVicia cassubicaC Fornax, CC 3.0