Victorious Fan Gallery
charmingdamsels rachel cook
Nick Chew
i think you’re swell!why yes…it is victorious fanart of robbie shapiroig | twitter
Statue of a Victorious Youth / The Getty Bronze / The Fano Bronze / Atleta di Fano By an unknown scu
Rina et victores vappae canini. Rin and the victorious doggy jerks.
Sometimes a little spilled coffee is worth it.—-A small gift and thank you for @staketheheart
Jori Wip.—-Which one of you’s upset Jade, huh?
“Jade, I’m cold.” Tori rubbed her arms against the evening breeze.Jade exhaled dramatically and roll
Only when they’re alone does Jade smile so softly.—-
Jade’s a werewo-cat??—-Bonus Art for the Week: Because it’s a holiday weekend??
You can tell who’s the morning person and who’s not. —-
aristyles:Ariana Grande on FeminismMore Ariana Grande on feminism posts
historyfilia: Victorious Youth (Atleta di Fano) before and after restoration. Greek, 300 - 100 B.C
Um, I got a tumblr and I like Victorius
distancedesigns: Calling all Victorious fans and art lovers! With Feb 2nd marking 4 years since the
distancedesigns: Calling all Victorious fans and art lovers! With Feb 2nd marking 4 years since the
victorioussissy30:Tinder For SissiesLive SissiesPlay The Sissy Sex Game I confess I fantasize bout
victoriousvocabulary:GESPENST[noun]spectre; spook; spirit; wraith.Etymology: German.[Fantasia]
victoriousvocabulary:SOMNIUM[noun]daydream; dream; fancy; foolishness; nonsense; wishful thinking.Et
victoriousvocabulary:LIMERENCE [noun]obsessive love; an involuntary state of mind which seems to res
victoriousvocabulary:BELLIGERENCE[noun]1. a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or at