Vintagecine Gallery
pure vessel
john ocallaghan
vintagecine: Buster Keaton in The Saphead
I got an incredible book for Christmas, The Misfits - the making of the movie through the eyes of 9
Elizabeth Taylor and Spencer Tracy taking a break on the set of Father of the Bride, 1950. #spencer
Alfred Hitchcock at the 1963 Cannes Film Festival. #alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #vintagehollywood #o
Eli Wallach and Marlon Brando playing baseball at a picnic, 1953. #marlonbrando #eliwallach #vintag
Jack Lemmon with his mother on the set of The Great Race, 1965. #jacklemmon #thegreatrace #vintageh
Katharine Hepburn in a bathtub after the 1938 Great New England Hurricane that destroyed her house a
Morning all, Cary Grant, 1970s. #carygrant #vintagehollywood #oldhollywood #classicfilm #classiccin
Welcome to 2017 everyone Robert Mitchum putting on a tie circa 1950s. #robertmitchum #vintageholly
Steve McQueen on the set of Bullitt, 1968 #stevemcqueen #bullitt #vintagehollywood #oldhollywood #c
Elizabeth Taylor and Spencer Tracy taking a break on the set of Father of the Bride, 1950. #spencer
Gregory Peck and Ingrid Bergman having a break on the set of Spellbound, 1944. #gregorypeck #spellb
Morning all. Alfred Hitchcock impersonating Ringo Starr in 1964. #alfredhitchcock #ringostarr #hit
Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman on the set of Somebody up there likes me, 1956. #paulnewman #louisa
James Dean photographed in 1955. #jamesdean #classicfilm #classiccinema #goldenagehollywood #golden
Orson Welles on the set of The Third Man, 1949. One of my all time favourite people and films. #ors
Grace Kelly on her way to Monaco, 1956. #gracekelly #classicfilm #classiccinema #goldenagehollywood
Steve McQueen eating a sweet potato pie brought in by a local woman, on the set of Baby the rain mus
Steve McQueen on the set of Bullitt, 1968 #stevemcqueen #bullitt #vintagehollywood #oldhollywood #c
Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman on the set of Somebody up there likes me, 1956. #paulnewman #louisa
Grace Kelly backstage at the 1956 Oscars, Jerry Lewis on the TV presenting. #gracekelly #jerrylewis
Morning all, Elvis Presley in Germany, 1958. #elvis #elvispresley #vintagehollywood #oldhollywood #
Another picture scanned from my new book about the filming of The Misfits. Incredible black and whit
The great Sidney Poitier and Anthony Perkins having a laugh with a video camera. #sidneypoitier #an