Warhammercommunity Gallery
ts kiwi
german poster
Ogroid Myrmidon! Love this model so dang much, though he was screaming for a Tzeentchy paintjob.
More Eschers!
My first 5 Eschers for my new gang, The Sisters of Mercy.
The Margaritaville Manglers, my Halfling Bloodbowl team! These guys were a ton of fun to conceptuali
“He who stands with me shall be my brother” - A little Oldhammer project I put together for my frien
Chaos Chariot number 2!
Coming in November - and in hardback! #warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warmongers #sist
Flamestorm Aggressors for my Black Templars! Looking forward to fleshing these bois out to 6 men so
Black Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. T
Repulsor Executioner for my Black Templars!
Impulsor for my Black Templars! Actually not too tough to paint, and I’m pretty happy with the
Magore’s Fiends! Fun little palette cleanser.
Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers - these guys kick a stupid amount of butt, and I can’t
Some cute little ruins from Warlord Games, dolled up with some old school Warhammer Empire bits.
Primaris Sword Brethren! These dudes were good fun to paint, though getting around the tabards and c
Primaris Hellblasters for my Black Templars. Had a ton of fun converting and painting up these bois!
Knight-Relictor for my Undying Phalanx. Neat model, even if he likely won’t see much use.
Primaris Chaplain for my Black Templars, a mighty fun mini to paint!
Stormstrike Chariot, an absolute banger of a model, and debatably the one that got me started on my
5 more Bladeguard Veterans for my Templars! That’s 10 now, and firmly enough swords and boards
More Primaris Aggressors, plus a family photo of all 6 of them!
Black Templars Bladeguard Veterans, extremely detail-intensive models but I’m happy with how t