Writing Gear Gallery
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Louis Comfort Tiffany, Inkstand, 1907. Glass, Silver, Enamel, Carnelian and Fire Opal. Tiffany studi
L’art d’écrire, plate III from Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des
Writing case, 柳橋神社蒔絵硯箱, 1603-1650. Laquer, gold, mother-of-pearl, wood. Japan. Museum für Ostasiatis
Fountain pen “Eyedropper”, 1918. Gilded. W.S. Hicks New York. Via cas1996.The American manufacturer
Writing / Painting casket, 19th century. Burlwood, mother-of-pearl and silvered metal. Containing a
Joseph Schuler, advertising for stainless steel pen nibs, 1910. Budapest, Hungary. Via Wiki
Eraser pencil and Eraser strips, 1964. Pelikan, Germany. Via Lexikaliker.
Tools for handwriting: Desk Set, 1895-1910. For example seal, inkstand, sand brush holder or sand ca
Quill boxes with quills, second half of the 19th century. Source
Wonder! and other Dixon Erasers, 1930. USA. Via Huntington Digital Archive
W.S. Hicks & Sons, Eyedropper, 1918. 18Kt gilded, New York. The company was the supplier of Tiff
Louis Comfort Tiffany, Inkwell, 1910. Bronze and glass. USA, Via FAMSF
Lead holder, page from a sales folder, 1900. A.W. Faber, Germany. Launching the new octagonal type o
Gustav Gurschner, inkwell, 1900-1910. Bronze. Austria. Via flysfo
Waterman Fountain Pen, catalog page, 1925. USA. Complete brochure via archive.org
A.W. Faber Polygrades Pencils, 1840. Exhibition “Schreibwerkzeuge” Heinrich Heine Institut, Düsseldo
(via On Gear Fountain Pen)
A screech of tires and the roaring of an engine revving into full gear interrupted his thoughts. All
Spent my day writing song ideas.
A screech of tires and the roaring of an engine revving into full gear interrupted his thoughts. All
Z E D D | ⭐️✨Anton and Martin are writing a banger in Zedd’s new studi
noldork:gearlic:90% of my writing experience is doing thisActual footage of Griffin McElroy writing
gearlic:90% of my writing experience is doing this