Xivart Gallery
marissacoopers asked
Azem doodles for Azem April… I definitely haven’t been keeping up with so much happ
unfinished stuff + ARR wol
endwalker scholar
coerthas western
may’s batch of kofi commissions, thank you so much once again for comming me!!
meteor and some ff14 npcs (with short hair)
older stuff
come shadow, come follow me
tanking that one trial with trust npcs
post endwalker
6.1 stuff. i’m enjoying playing monk in the revamped PVP too much
6.1 released yesterday and I have been having lots of fun!
no actual art, just lots of colour and gesture studies
6.1 doodles
misery wants company (fandaniel x wol)
spare doodles in the past month
more wol stuff
memories fading one by one
hw/sb thancred…
heavensward memories
my first minion