Yelena Boiko Gallery
morobe province
engaging in some digital pacing.
sois belle et tais-toi ☝
red riding hood, uncensoredmore coming up soon. i think. maybe.
this is just what the insides of my mind look like apparently. i’ve been renovating.
sketchin’ for a mural ✍️ respect the birds(click image for non-total-blur version)
sometimes you get high and bond with your crayola pencils.
art on the road baby (alternatively : found colored pencils. need to be very extra abou
Do Not Touch Me
lost my step
another day, another struggle. montreal moods.
red riding hood, uncensoredmore coming up soon. i think. maybe.
mural in progress ✊ respect the birds.
To my 5 loyal followers, sprinkling likes everywhere, thank you. To anybody who’s left an
First time conversing with ayahuasca.Deep spiritual quest with deep spiritual meanings. Yup.
sois belle et tais-toi ☝
self-reflection (get it?)