Yongseok Gallery
corrupted monk
korean girlfriend
keunsori:by yongseok -_-
ileftmyheartintokyo:tokyo tower by yongseok -_- on Flickr.
youngmar4:190812 MINWOO in Yongseok (Cross Gene) Instagram Update ~Cr: cg_yongseok @-}– ^u^
fixmycode: MONSTER13from “Wind Breaker” by Yongseok Jo
jihopes:black swan (2010, dir. darren aronofsky) x black swan (2020, dir. yongseok choi)bonus: blood
moodscreencaps:noir (2019) dir. choi yongseok
youngmar4: 190812 MINWOO in Yongseok (Cross Gene) Instagram Update ~ Cr: cg_yongseok @-}– ^u^
『Music Diary』レポート
『Music Diary』レポート
『Music Diary』レポート
cg_yongseok: 캔디분들의 드레스 코드! 크로스 하츠의 크로스 하트~! 즐기자~~~!#크로스진#용석#상민#세영#우린#크로스 하츠#드레스#코드#캔디#하트#사랑#빨리#보고싶다#
“the mask of the truth hidden deep inside, it’s obvious that there’s p
— shooting star, cross gene (2013)
⇢ shelly icons - wind breaker ⇢ like or reblog if saving.× © on twitter @blwep
The Mist Yongseok Jungwww.artstation.com/artwork/GabEoa
190406 | Gimpo Airport Arrival© HONEY CHICKEN | do not edit.
@CROSS_GENE: [크로스하츠] 봄 기운이 완연한 이때 크로스하츠와 같이 소풍 안 가실래요~? 4월 13일에 만나요![자세한 내용]☞ cafe.daum.net/o
@Mybucketlist_jp: 遂にヨンソクさんがマイバケに合流しましたー!カング役トリプルキャストのカラムさん、ドンヒョンさんヨンソクさん集合です。個性あふれる魅力的なカングをお楽し
190406 | Gimpo Airport Arrival© HONEY CHICKEN | do not edit.
190406 | Gimpo Airport Arrival© HONEY CHICKEN | do not edit.
190406 | Gimpo Airport Arrival© HONEY CHICKEN | do not edit.
190406 | Gimpo Airport Arrival© HONEY CHICKEN | do not edit.