Zenijan Gallery
uw photography
PangolinPen, pencil and watercolour
hazel dormouse watercolourquite christmassy!
SPIRITWhat does everyone think of the Queen’s newly produced album?Watercolour and pen
Yellow tangwatercolour, pen, pencil
Beyonce at the Lion King premierepencil sketch
Gharial(not to be confused with the false gharial!)pencil, pen, watercolour, white ink
Queen of the night cactus.Plants are actually quite hard to draw! New challenge?Watercolour, pen, pe
hazel dormouse watercolourquite christmassy!
I’ve missed you!Back to my roots - some good old fashioned Bey fan art. To celebrate her Beych
Green turtleHawksbill turtleLoggerhead turtleOlive Ridley turtleLeatherback turtlewatercolour pencil
Giraffewaterolour pencil and pen
Started an amphibian series:Bufo japonicuswatercolour and pen
Mauve stinger jellyfish ( Pelagia noctiluca )Watercolour, pencil, pen
Golden Jellyfish from Jellyfish lake in PalauWatercolour, pencil, pen
Another orange nettle jellyfish ( Chrysaora fuscescens )Pen, pencil, watercolour.
Pacific sea nettle (Chrysaora fuscescens) …apparently…although on Wikiped
RM from BTSPencil sketch, lined added online
Rondo Dwarf Galago The distinctive and tiny Rondo galago was first described in 1996. It is unique f
Baird’s tapir - a baby one!watercolour, pen and pencil
Pygmy three toed slothpencil, pen, watercolour
Mountainous Star CoralWatercolour and pen
Black RhinoWatercolour and pencil
Green Saw FishHavn’t drawn a fish in a while!Watercolour
Attenborough’s Long Beaked EchidnaThis was fun to do!Pen (thick + thin), pencil, watercolo