time trap
death bed
kuga issei
Bréviaire de Belleville by Jean Pucelle, 1323-1326
Effigies of Maud and her husband Sir Robert Ryther, 1327
Tomb effigy of Clementia of Hungary, Queen of France (1293 - 1328)
Effigy of Queen Ingeborg Magnusdotter, 1320
Page from a Book of Ruth in the Old Testament, c. 1322 South German
Effigy on the tomb of Catherine of Austria,Duchess of Calabria by Tino di Camaino in Naples,c. 1323
Burial garment of Italian nobleman Cagrande della Scala (1329) now in the Museo di Castel Vechio, Ve
“Three Princesses” probably a fragment from a dismantled royal tomb in Siena, Italy, com
Stained glass windows from Chartres Cathedral, c. 1325
Three Horses and Four Grooms, Ren Renfa, c. 1320s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Chinese ArtRen Renfa&rsq
Three Horses and Four Grooms, Ren Renfa, c. 1320s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Chinese ArtRen Renfa&rsq
Frescoes in Ørslev church in Denmark, c. 1325
Tomb effigies of Graf Rudolf I. von Hohenberg († 1336) and his wife Irmengard von Württemberg († 132
Miriam, the golden Haggadah; Spain, c.1320
Painted 14th century effigies; Sir William Berkrolles (d. 1327) and his wife, Lady Phelic
queen-yetta-rosenberg: Ewer with scenes 1320s Silver gilt and translucent enamel, height 22,5 c
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