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Some primary source context in case you ever hear me threaten a man with a box of oats. (Malleus Mal
The beautiful old ceilings of Palazzo Guicciardini in Florence | 15th century beauty #firenze #Flor
Cicero Orationes (Orations) Venice, Christophorus Valdarfer, not after 9 November 1471 (Goff C-542;
oydis:Joan Set These are the items I gave away on the first week of Simblreen! As you may have guess
Still got a bit to do but….it’s 90% down for now, testing went well! Phone and
A bit of experiment to recreate a 15th century kidney pouch Pockets are quite modern, back then, cu
Horace Epistolae (Epistles); Ars Poetica (Art of Poetry); Satires, Odes, Epodes, Carmen seculare (So
Georges Chastellain L’oultré d’amour pour amour morte (The One Overcome by Love w
Guillaume Tardif Basis grammaticae (Foundations of Grammar) Paris, 1 January 1470; scribe: Guillaume
Giorgio di Lorenzo Chiarini Tracta di mercantie et usanze di paesi (Book of Trade and Customs of Cou
De ludo scacchorum seu de moribus hominum et off iciis nobilium (Book of the Game of Chess, or, The
Franciscan Miscellany, including I Fioretti di San Francesco (Little Flowers of Saint Francis), Legg
Penitential Psalms in terza rima, Mariotto Davanzati, Trattato dell ’amicizia (Treatise on Fri
While the exhibition *Making the Renaissance Manuscript: Discoveries from Philadelphia Libraries* is
Lothar of Segni (Innocent III) De miseria humane conditionis (On the Misery of the Human Condition),
Giannozzo Manetti, Poggio Bracciolini, and others Orationes ad Nicolaum V (Oration to Nicholas V) an
Book of Hours, Use of Paris (Susanna Hours) Paris, ca. 1505–20; illuminator: workshop of the M
Book of Hours, Use of Rome Siena, ca. 1475; illuminators: Liberale da Verona (miniatures) and Gioacc
Charging into a new week! ♞♘ Compilation of texts including Jacobus de Cessolis, De ludo scacchorum
Historical Miscellany including Paul the Deacon, Historia romana (Roman History) Italy (Lombardy or
Cicero Epistolae ad familiares (Letters to Friends) Ferrara, 1468; scribe: Gregorio Martinello (colo
“The Feast Of The Gods” by Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430 - 1516) and Titian (c. 1488
Leaf from Petrarch, Africa, Book IX Lombardy, ca. 1400 The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E M 4
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