koshoji temple
bird flight
takamiya mana
mana takamiya
Let’s have a 3 Card Draw from 78 Tarot Carnival. Choose the card you are drawn to and chec
Five of Pentacles by @jayde.hilliard Times seem hard right now, but don’t let them drag yo
Let’s have a 3 card draw… Choose the card that calls to you, and check back lat
Ace of Wands by @beccaturnerart The Ace keeps cropping up - demanding that you unleash the fire bur
It’s time for a 3 card draw from the 78 Tarot Carnival deck… Choose the card yo
The Devil by @lucacareyillustration It’s tempting to dive into a short term fix, a distrac
Let’s have a 3 card draw from the 78 Tarot Carnival deck… Choose the card you a
#Repost @kayti_78tarot with @repostapp ・・・ Operation make tarot bags update! Taking a break for lunc
Eight of Pentacles by @enoogs It’s time to put the work in, to block out all distractions,
It’s time for a three card draw - Choose the card you are most drawn to and check back lat
Knight of Wands by @cmalidore Inspired & passionate, you’re charging in&hellip
#Repost @kayti_78tarot with @repostapp ・・・ Final #tarotbag design for #78tarotcarnival - I had to ad
It’s time for a three card draw from the 78 Tarot Carnival deck…which card call
Ten of Cups by @mollyharrisonart Family & relationships are falling into place. Turmoils &am
#Repost @78tarot with @repostapp ・・・ TGIF! We made it through the week! Today is going to be a good
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