Abolish Prisons
camile desmoulins
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suicide shift
“Abolish Prisons, ICE, the State, Police, Borders, Capitalism” Seen in the San Francisco
‘All day everyday, fuck the police’‘Reject prisons’
Graffiti & posters seen around BLM Plaza in Washington, DC
“Abolish Police, Prison, Capitalism" Seen on the Surrogate’s Courthouse in NYC
‘No Prisons’Seen in Portland, Oregon
“Fire to the Prisons” Sticker seen in Minneapolis
“Our passion for freedom is stronger than your prisons”Seen in London
‘Burn All Prisons’
hellyeahanarchistposters:‘Dismantle Prisons, Abolish ICE’Poster designed by Art Twink[image descript
“Burn down your prisons” in downtown Philadelphia
“Burn the Prisons”Seen in Minneapolis, MN
fuckyeahanarchistposters:‘Abolition not reform. Defund Prisons, Police. Reinvest in black communitie
hellyeahanarchistposters: ‘Dismantle Prisons, Abolish ICE’Poster designed by Art Twink
hellyeahanarchistposters:‘Dismantle Prisons, Abolish ICE’Poster designed by Art Twink
hellyeahanarchistposters: ‘Dismantle Prisons, Abolish ICE’ Poster designed by Art Twink
Chelsea Manning
hellyeahanarchistposters:‘Dismantle Prisons, Abolish ICE’Poster designed by Art Twink
liberaljane: Invest in people, not prisons.
“Abolish Prisons! Smash the State!” Seen in Adelaide, Australia
hellyeahanarchistposters: ‘Dismantle Prisons, Abolish ICE’ Poster designed by Art Twink
abolitionjournal: “When people ask me, “Who will protect us,” I want to say: Who
elierlick:Queerness means abolishing borders, ICE, detention, prisons, and all forms of state violen
Abolition is seeking submissions by artists for our inaugural issue.Abolition: A Journal of Insurgen
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