ZiphiusAn owl-fish creature?What on earth could this have been?Password is swordfish.abookof
alejandrothebad:thegayfleet:Gavin Leatherwood behind the scenes of his Abookof photoshoot.so gahdamn
Ncuti Gatwa photographed Courtney Phillip for A Book Of Magazine
Ncuti Gatwa photographed Courtney Phillip for A Book Of Magazine
BoschKnow that there’s nothingWorse than having a Bosch onYour ship - it’s bad luck.https://abookofc
NurikabeA big wall appears!It blocks your nightly progressAnd laughs at your plight.abookofc
LupeuxThe worst of creaturesAre those with a sick sense ofFun - your death’s a joke.abookofc
LolmischoCauses rashes, hives,Itches, ulcers, blisters, boils,All those afflictions.abookofc
Aderyn y CorphWe will always findWays to blame owls for everyBad thing that happens.abookofc
Yara-ma-yha-whoI still think that aSitcom starring this creatureWould be a big hit.https://abookofcr
MúshveliBeware the mouse-whale!It will sink your boat, and youCan’t escape on land!https://abookofcr
Baxbakwalanuxsiwaeeat eat eat eat eatEat Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat EatEAT EAT EAT EAT EAThttps://abookofcr
Rahara“Looks like a rottenTree or a manioc strainer”?There’s a description…abookofcre
BasiliskEveryone knows ofThe basilisk, but you mayYet learn something new…https://abookofcrea
KayeriWhen it rains, mushroomsGrow, and kayeri show up.That’s bad news for all.abookofcreatu
ZabraqIt vomits blood whenIt’s angry! Can’t get much moreMetal than that thing.abookofcreatu
Dabbat al-ArdWhat a fool I was!Bochart listed this creatureand calls it Aksar!https://abookofcreatur
JetinMenhir a true wordIs spoken in jest, and whereDid those stones come from?abookofcreatur
MaroolAnglerfish are weirdAnd seeing one, not knowing,Could give you a fright.abookofcreatur
MinceskroWill this get flagged here?I mean it’s literallyA genital bug…abookofcreatur
Davalpa“Old Man of the Sea!Prithee get your legs off meAnd just leave me be!”https://abookofcreature
Davy JonesWhere there is the sea,There will be Davy Jones atThe bottom of it.abookofcreature
CerastesThis is of course realBut we humans embellishTill the cows come home.abookofcreature
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