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adfdruidry: No matter who you are, we welcome you at our good fire. Come join us. Be a part of our
adfdruidry: A prayer in the face of loss. So many hurt.
chronarchy: A simple prayer for the coming new year. May you take forward what you need, and leave b
A Prayer on VaccinationI call out to my Good Friend:Protector of bodies,Settle into me,Comfort of my
A little “Would You Rather” for Druidry…
A simple illustration of what Modern Druidry looks like to me:A fire that burns at the center of all
It’s a constant cycle of work, re-work, and finding ways to open again and again. It’s d
chronarchy:A short prayer for the path in the forest. This prayer spoke to me again today.
Strange Owl, or The Spirit of TryingWhat the heck are you,You strange, long-necked bird-thing,Lookin
Prayer to the Ada SpiritsTiny Spirits, lined up together,Filling altars and standing on shelves,Touc
A Prayer From My CenterWe know the world came to be,For we persist within it:Cosmic beings, centered
Gathering Light at a DistanceToday we give thanks for connection,A light that cannot be dimmed.Thoug
Prayer for TreatingI call to the Spirits of the Land,You who hold the Long Bargain,Who stood in this
Prayer for Spiritual SightWinding round the center,We call to the Spirits:Our voice echoing in the w
Prayer for Traveling SpiritsThe light of our hearth and home,A healing flame that brightens us,Provi
Journey to a Distant ShrineAbove the shrine,A hanging moon;Lifted to the heavens,My soul begins to s
Blessing of the Good StrikerSucellos, Good Striker,Firm hand and guardian,I call to you with a brigh
The Fairy House“A space to play,” they asked,“That’s all we small ones seek:
Spirits of Delicate BalanceThe early morning sun breaks over the horizon,Finding the earth blanketed
Traveling SpiritsArising with the dawn,We lift ourselves into the heavens,Seeking a space above the
A Prayer for DepartureMy friend, you take this journey now,And though I do not follow you yet,I will
Finding the LightThrough the long night,We seek the light.Trying to draw back the curtain,And reveal
EmergenceDrawn from safety,Flinging wide the doors,Stepping out to greet the world:I come into my ow
The Spirit in the Wild SpacePlaying in the dark,Lifting a song to the wild spaces,Filling the world
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