African Religions
Four-faced helmet mask of the Fang people, Gabon. Photo credit: Ann Porteus/Wikimedia Commons.
Face mask of the Kifwebe society, Songye or Luba peoples, present-day Democratic Republic of the Con
Face mask of the Galwa or Mpongwe people, Gabon. Artist unknown; 20th century. Now in the De Young
Male figure (ofika) used in the initiation rites of the all-male Lilwa association within the Mbole
Warrior ancestor figure of the Hemba people, present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo. Artist u
Cap mask (mbuya) of the Central Pende people, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Artist unknown; mid
Reliquary figure (mbulu ngulu) of the Kota culture, Gabon. Artist unknown; ca. 1890-1910. Now in t
Standing male shrine figure of the Igbo people, Nigeria. Artist unknown; 20th century. Now in the
Anthropomorphic mask of the Yaka people, southwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Artist unkn
Altar staff (asen) of the Fon people, Benin. Artist unknown; 19th century. Now in the Me
Mask with ritual scarification, of the Ngbandi culture, Ubangi River region, present-day Democratic
Mask (tsekedi, myondo, or nyeemba) of the Yaka people, present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Divination board for an Ifa priest of the Yoruba people, Nigeria. Now in the Los Angeles Count
Mask in the shape of a human face (simoni or mbalangwe) used in the Nyau masquerade of the Chewa (Ce
Power figure (nkishi) of the Songye people, Tanganyika Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.&n
Standing male figure (nkishi) with head turned to the left, of the Songye people, South Milembwe, Ta
“Strong people don’t need strong leaders.” - MS. Ella Baker “It
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