Animal Activism
aoi yukimura
keep him
giveafuckaboutnature:Vegans, like vegetarians, do not consume the meat of any land or marine animals
For more information on Nestea’s animal testing and ways to take action, visit http:/
vero-cartin:© Unknown
giveafuckaboutnature:The Golden Rule states: ‘Do unto others as you would have done unto
vegancostarica:Cuidemos y respetemos la vida de todo ser sintiente, no solo la de nuestros amigos ga
Many people don’t put in the effort to slow and halt animal testing because they believe t
giveafuckaboutnature: Thou shalt not kill (are) the four most important, and yet, most ignored words
vero-cartin: “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care h
vegan-because-fuck-you: vegan—scum: Protest against the Lennon Bros. Circus in Adelaide, Sout
giveafuckaboutnature:© Unknown
vero-cartin:History is replete with unfounded health beliefs, and to everyone’s detriment, the
this-bear-has-wings:Wildlife rescue - baby weasel (Mustela nivalis)
“Could a Celebrity Get YOU To Watch Dominion?” This Sunday the 7th at 11:30am EST @thesa
vegan-herbivore: Animal rights activism www.defendanimals.com/vegan-shirts-C295673/
Reblog if you’re a snake hero!
by Amanda Moeckel
I am pledging to Fast Against Slaughter on October 2nd with nearly 10,000 people in 84 different cou
vegan-art: Title: “The Difference“ | Artist: Xavier Bayle “The animal
“Who does not understand a look, cannot understand long explanations.” (Arabic p
Introducing People of Pride! Happy pride month! Last June I created a “Pride Animal&
by Wenqing Yan
freedomforwhales: Navy to deafen 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more According to U.S. Na
… Are your words working against you? Are you advocating cruelty in an effort to be appro
By angeloviedo_tattoosSubmit your vegan tattoo here! Not vegan yet? Watch Dominion. It&rs
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