chamidu udana
ringo skulkin
bakit ganun
sorry po
im taking a break from school work have this horrible vday pun
i really like whale sharks
@aceshepard ur godchild archie when she tells danse a pun to his face probably
I wish I was at a place like this right now.Red XIII, Tifa and Aerith takin’ a break at Costa Del So
happy bday to the loml ! Jo Haseul ️️ speedpaint ️ patreon
and the others…
HI GUYS!my friend and I will be tabling at Anime North this year! Once info on tables are all sorted
a witch for an assignment
kuronoatmosphere event ame being stuck in that haachama stage for 30 minutes…
a dog gone world
how fowl
im in denial
i got hand written star wars jokes for christmas and i
coffeedtea its your beautiful child!!!
i was listening to sappy songs the whole time because i am in denial
talking to siriusdraws when my hand slipped what can you do
Padme would have been that kind of mom
the truth revealed also it is very hard to eat tacos while playing video games do not do that just p
A gift for my lovely friend @freebirdalliance!! Happy Birthday!
preppin’ for commissions..
“Then I’ll be going now. I’ll come back when it’s all over.”Aeris in the Sleeping Forest
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