Atla Meme
pokemon gym
frostedtea arts
starfall:atla meme: [5/8] characters | | Azula you should’ve feared me more!
I saw this meme and just needed to draw this with Toph and Sokka <3 Love how small Toph is : >
starfall:atla meme: [1/8] characters | | Katara I know sometimes it hurts more to hope and it hurts
zuzuthefirelord:Atla Meme - Five BattlesZuko vs Azula [5/5] - Sozin´s Comet Part 3 - Into the Infern
ATLA Meme: [4/8] Characters → Azula
maskedbender:gifset meme: favorite minor character + ATLA (requested by anon)↳ the infamous cabbage
fournations:atla meme - one element [1/1] - Fire“Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fir
winnschottjr:GIF REQUEST MEME || guardianfox asked ATLA + favorite character ▸ Sokka || send reques
zuzuthefirelord:Atla Meme - Ten Favorite ScenesThe Western Air Temple [10/10]
mizules:ATLA Meme: [4/7] Friendships/Ships→ Zuko & Aang
obiswankenobis:atla meme: [3/8] characters | | Zuko you’re going to fail a lot before things work o
honorprince:high school yearbook award meme + avatar: the last airbender∟ friendliest: aang
cordeliachace:atla meme: [ 5 / 6 ] quotes“i will never ever turn my back on people who need me.”
veenia:Katara The Last Southern Water Bender~~~Catara Extrema Aquiflectrix Meridiana
fireroyals:azuila:atla meme | [ 5 / 5 ] battles → zuko vs. ozai ; the day of black sun[ no, ] i’ve l
lances-mcclains:atla meme: [6/8] characters | | Aangit’s easy to do nothing… but it’s hard to forgi
amirnizuno:atla meme; [3/7] friendships/ships - aang and zuko“If we knew each other back then, do yo
ATLA Meme: [4/8] Characters → Azula
missazula:Screencap Meme: Maiko + colors abound.
penguinsledding:atla meme [2/3] pairingsDon't ever break up with me again!
yuujinchos-remade:atla meme: [1/1] element ➝ airAir is the element of freedom. The Air Nomads detach
zuzuthefirelord:Atla Meme - Four Bending TypesAirbending [¾] - Air is the element of freedom
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