Awek kelantan
penparcau aberystwyth
MEET Face of AS, Alex Rockwell Here is her story: “In the tenth grade, I thought I had pink ey
Small piece of advice….#AsWarrior #StandTall
New work published in Current Sports Medicine Reports for the article, Asymmetrical Thoracic Osteoph
Work in progress depicting Kawase’s approach to access basilar pontine cavernous malformations
Out today: the first article in Dr. Michael Lawton’s 7 Cavernomas, “Recurrent br
Work in progress depicting the extended retrosigmoid/trans-cerebellopontine angle approach to peritr
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be working with @michael_t_lawton and Kristen Larson t
Made a few changes to some illustrations depicting the endoscopic endonasal eustachian tube anterola
Work in progress depicting the transcallosal transchoroidal approach to cavernous malformations of t
Combining a few different illustrations into one: lateral thoracic and lumbar approaches to the spin
Very honored to have my work featured on the cover of @thejnspg Spine for July! These illustrations
12!26/20 Cole vs Gabe Steel. Contract Match. #gabesteel @coldcolecassidy #rack #torturerack #backbre
Who doesn’t love a little Zman pain, especially if @drewharpercam is dishing it out? #back
MEET AS FACE , Erin Thatcher Here’s her story: I am 30 and have had AS for the past 1
Stay Strong #RP! Thanks @naturally_lupie #spoonies #spoonielife #arthritis #ankylosing #spondylitis
Sometimes letting go shows more strength than to keep holding on….Think about it
Not defined by our spines…..
PSA to all AS Warriors to remember what their fellow AS warrior Jamie Coman said—>
Cash Kellogg in control of Wolfboy at the moment. Available at Weekendwrestling.com #cashkellogg #j
JBW racked, helpless and in pain over the brood shoulders of Brutal Brendan. #jbw #brutalbrendanbyer
Zman vs Blake Starr now available at Weekendwrestling.com #fitnessmodel #malemodel #wrestling #humi
Brutal Brendan and Cole Cassidy taking turns on PBA and slowly wearing him down. Match available to
Over Gabes hard knee again and again. Poor Scrappy. #bodybuilderpunishment #musclewrestling #prowres
Brutal Brendan punishes JBW with repeated over-the-knee backbreakers, but country boys can survive &
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