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有古意的一只碗 A bowl restored ancient ways
2017.11.30Moving day. End of a chapter in Baoputang’s history. We will be back in Spring 2018.
某日入夜,堂景。 Scene of one night ,Baoputang.
菊花 又一年 五彩斑斓是初冬最美的颜色 The chrysanthemums are in bloom; some are red and some yellow or white.so beauti
虫儿之乐,给即将来临的寒冬一点生机。 Winter will be entertained by the Katydid’s sounds.
时光转移 日复一日 Time goes fast and life is his ordinary look everyday.
旧物利用 手做茶席布
爱生活的人,走到哪里都有一壶茶的美好。 People who can enjoy the way of life, tea gives them something wonderful.
一只设计灵感来自宋代水注的玻璃壶 A teapot, design from the Song dynasty shape.
古树大片是一款滋味醇厚,口感顺滑,回甘明显的茶。 Big leave tea has special delicate, smooth, thick taste of sweetness.
一早有友千里送金莲 Trollius micranthus, shipped from friend far away
简单喝茶 Relaxed tea time
石榴 秋天最丰富的果实 pomegranate is lush fruit in the Autumn
抱樸堂手工 古砖砚 壶承 Ink stones made of ancient brick, can also used as tea pot holders
溪边扫叶供茶竃 霜后诛茆覆菊根 脑中是深秋萧索山林,远山霜叶浸染,村落炊烟袅袅,书屋茶炉正红的画卷…… A old poem carved in bamboo tea s
一只盒子:竹制普洱茶饼盒,竹面光滑洁雅。内有锦布内衬抽屉点缀青花瓷扣抽屉钮,取出茶饼,可以做一只认真的收纳盒。 A bamboo box, either suitable for Puer cake
抱樸堂手工 古砖砚和歙砚 壶承 Ink stones, one made of ancient brick, one from SHE county AnHui province, can also
不负秋光 not wasting this delightful fall
“窨得茉莉无上味 列作人间第一香” Scented with the most amazing Jasmine, world’s most popular
抱朴堂柠红 柠红,福建安溪优质有机柠檬与闽东工夫红茶的完美组合。果香四溢,入口甘醇香甜,果香与茶香交融,同时发挥柠檬理气、和胃降逆与红茶温胃祛寒、生热暖腹的功效。无论味道还是功效,两者相得益彰。传统工
闭门读奇书 开门延好客 出门寻山水~ Closed, it is reading time; Opened, lets welcome guests; Going out, traveling aro
光辉曾经那么耀眼 现在却从我的视线中消逝 纵使再也唤不回 那绿茵葱郁花朵绚丽的一刻 我们不会悲伤 而是从残留中 寻找一股力量 What though the radiance which was on
秋天的大丽花 是灿烂 Autumn’s flower full of sunshine
少年充满希望的清瘦 The promising slim of young man
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