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“Don’t be afraid to get back up again; to try again, to love again, to start over. You are not
“Acknowledge all the effort you have put into bettering yourself, even if you still have a lon
“Tropical vibes all summer”@archi_trendy#BeautyDelMundo#Latina #Dominicana #Hermosa #Latino #Latinas
“Sometimes what you need to regain your inner peace is the time to reconnect with yourself and
“It’s never worth losing yourself to fit in or gain someone’s acceptance. You have something u
“Despite all of the things that happened in your life that could’ve completely broken yo
“Don’t ignore the signs, vibes, and energy you get about certain people and situations. Someti
“Hay sólo dos maneras de vivir tu vida. Una es como si nada fuera un milagro. La otra es como si tod
“Be kind to the person you are now, even if that person isn’t who you necessarily want to be.
“There is no shortage of people who you will find physically beautiful, but finding someon
“Stop letting those initial red flags slide because of your desperation to maintain a rela
“Despite what some may say, you don’t have to follow the crowd. You don’t have
“The secret of manifesting the life you are dreaming of is believing you already have it.&
“There are so much better things in store for you ahead than the ones you’ve left be
“It’s fine to grow and change but let it be authentic or for your benefit and not ju
“Your healing doesn’t need to begin once you get that apology. Your healing doesn&rs
“The older I get, the less care for superficial joys and cheap displays of nothingness.
“I choose to unburden myself of stress by simply letting things arise and unfold naturally
“Speak positive words into your life every single morning. Think big. Think healing. Thi
“The world needs you exactly as you are. Not a muted, toned down, or altered version of yo
“I applaud the people who have been through tough times and haven’t had the most eas
“Acceptance is when you can look back and say, I may not be okay with what happened, and I
“To expect yourself to be able to handle everything that comes your way is unreasonable. B
“If today is making you doubt your strength, remind yourself of all the things you have ov
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