Bible Saint
90s hairstyle
St. Jerome Translates the Bible, Ludovico Carracci, 1591
Whore of BabylonBeatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (the ‘Beatus of Saint-Sever’), Saint-S
devil in chainsBeatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (the ‘Beatus of Saint-Sever’), Saint-Se
Adam and EveBeatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (the ‘Beatus of Saint-Sever’), Saint-Sever
standing foxBeatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (the ‘Beatus of Saint-Sever’), Saint-Sever
lionsBeatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (the ‘Beatus of Saint-Sever’), Saint-Sever before
snake eaterBeatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (the ‘Beatus of Saint-Sever’), Saint-Sever
Samson and the firefoxes(Judges 15:4)Psalter of Saint Louis, Paris ca. 1270BnF, Latin 10525, fol. 58
Noah’s ArkPsalter of Saint Louis and Blanche of Castile, France ca. 1225-1250Paris, Bibliothèq
Open your heart to God in everything you do. Even as you talk to other’s, see that God is with
“Know, O beautiful soul, that you are the image of God.” -St. Ambrose of Milan
Saint Jerome and the AngelSimon Vouet (French; 1590–1649)ca. 1622–25Oil on canvas National Gallery o
Whore of BabylonApocalypse, Saint-Amand Abbey 9th centuryValenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale, ms.
Quentin Matsys [Flemish. 1466 - 1530]Saint Magdalene, c.1520 - 25
ourladyofperpetualastonishment:Saint George by Simon Bisley, from “The Bible”.Stupefacen
SUNDAY GOSPEL Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 14:1.7-14.
Happy Feast DaySaint Joanna wife of Chuza1st CenturyFeast Day: May 24Saint Joanna the Myrrh-bearer w
Passion of Christ - Ascent to Golgotha by Bernat Martorell - Altarpiece of Saint Vincent (c.143
Attributed to Luca Giordano (Fa Presto), Saint Nicholas, 17th century
Orazio Borgianni, Saint Francis in Ecstasy, 17th century
Cesare Dandini, Saint Agnes, 17th century
Carlo Crivelli, Saint Francis Collecting the Blood of Christ, c. 1490-1500
Trophime Bigot, Saint Joseph and the Christ Child, 17th century
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