Pretending to do yoga I have been practicing for almost two decades but not so consistently lately.
Flexi Camel! Adrian Hummell for the pic and for coaching me into it!
adrianhummellyoga: Yoga at sunrise.Featuring: Adrian HummellFrom: WAYcationOB with the We Are
The founders of We Amplify :Amanda Duncan & Adrian Hummell demonstrating their Standing Bows
Adrian Hummell & Amanda Duncan in full splits! Great stretch of the legs and the spine!
Twin #trikonasana @adrian_hummell & @amanda_yogini! Good hip opener, and it helps you really
Happy Saturday Yogis! Adrian Hummell & Amanda Duncan enjoying some iced tea, Yoga Style! Ch
adrianhummellyoga: Peacock Lotus (padmamayurasana) This is a fun one! Blend of strength, balance, a
Adrian Hummell & Amanda Duncan doing some flexi Outdoor Yoga!
#tbt. Whole lotta Bows! With Adrian Hummell & Amanda Duncan
Happy #humpday! Today is kinda a gross day outside, so this is a old photo for day 17 of #yogagivesb
My favorite part of the dropback is hanging out 2 inches off the ground and finding my breath!
Crane Pose. Still working on getting everything straight, but progress, right?
Outdoor standing bow! Photo Credit: @ Adrian Hummell
Flexi Camel! Adrian Hummell for the pic and for coaching me into it!
I’m so grateful for the gorgeous sun today! It is beautiful outside!! What’s som
weamplify: Peacock and Camel Synergy - a combination of two postures. one being balance and strength
#goals I have a long way to go but I’m getting there! #Bikram #bikramyoga
#kingpigeon For #BabyBounceBackChallenge And #LoveWithin ! Happy #freedayofyoga #austin ! @gigi.mao
weareyoga: WE AMPLIFY LIVE IN ORMOND BEACH AUG 6-9 AT WAYcation!!! With Adrian Hummell and Ama
Ever sat on your head before? Feels kinda fun! First time ever trying this one, I think legs will be
Happy Friday! Hope your day is going well! Take only good thoughts into the weekend with you!
Day 18 of #mayyourbackbend is a #dropback into #wheelpose. I love doing this as a warmup for my spin
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