blue-ringed octopus
dan mora
Changing things up a little because I got bored with my previous aesthetic. I’m currently reading Br
I’ve never read anything by Truman Capote before, and only bought Breakfast at Tiffany’s because I l
“It may be normal, darling; but I’d rather be natural.”-Apologize for the repost as I didn’t like th
News is depressing to read these days. I thought I might give up reading it and read more books inst
Hi book lovers -I’ve shared more of my thoughts on Normal People on my blog. Do check it out if you’
Hi fellow book lovers. I apologize for the lack of posts recently. There’s been so much going on in
There was a heavy downpour late last night. I couldn’t sleep, and for some reason was craving Harry
“No man or woman alive, magical or not, has ever escaped some form of injury, whether physical, ment
I love how Bringing Down the Duke transports me to the 19th century. It’s a gripping read and I’m en
Thanks for sharing with me your reasons for joining bookstagram in my last post. It’s nice to know t
What makes you happy? I can’t seem to figure that out.
Hi friends, how’re you doing? -I was reorganizing my bookshelf earlier today (by genre), and I wonde
This is my collection of Jane Austen’s books. And while I was taking this photo, a random thought ca
This book is still waiting to be read. I hope I’ll enjoy this one because I’ve seen mixed reviews ab
When less is more….Penguin classics always has the best cover. I’m determined to collect them
What’s your favorite memoir you’ve ever read? - #bookishfeatures#epicreads#bookish#bookishlife#goodr
No inspiration for caption today. So what are you reading now? - #bookishfeatures#epicreads#bookish#
Happy Friday! It always feels lighter when Friday comes around (even when you’re not working). I’ve
I think it’s time for a change. I’ve been wanting to change the way my feed looks for awhile now, bu
Rating: 3.5/5 ⭐️ This one had me guessing right from the beginning. A real page-turner although I wa
I’m almost finished with The Starless Sea, and I can’t say I like it as much as I did at the beginni
This is one gripping read. I’m flying through the chapters. - #bookishfeatures#epicreads#bookish#boo
I’m a concurrent reader. Right now I’m also reading Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson on my kindle. Th
Figured I can’t take anymore weirdness at the moment (The Starless Sea is pretty weird), I’ve decide
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