Brutal Deathcore
Fucking brutal band I just found, extremely heavy and extremely technical. Definitely worth checking
Pretty damn good demo Deal With The Devil by Vile Conception - youtu.be/47G8vP7vc2s
What an amazing band, this album is slowly becoming one of my favorites of 2014. A Symphonic Deathco
The clean vocals are pretty blegh, not gonna lie, but I really enjoyed the rest of it Feed My Spirit
I know I’ve already posted these guys before, but they are pretty fucking amazing Mangrove by
If you aren’t listening to the genius that is At the Throne of Judgement’s &
Some really good shit I just found Brothers to Arms by Blinded in Bliss - youtu.be/eLKZv0dzQ0
The vocals aren’t all that great, but the rest of the music more than makes up for it The Fam
Even if you don’t listen to the whole album, give a song or two a listen. It’ll definite
Brutal Continuous Regurgitation by Salute the Exiled - youtu.be/umsErbUh52A
Brutally great Pray for Redemption by Conjonctive - youtu.be/Rz3wr5Rcb1E
Damn is this guitar work fine Entity in the Void by Shores Of Elysium - youtu.be/gOAy7Bz_EY8
One of the most under-rated songs on the entire album, even though I think its one of the best behin
One of the best albums of 2013 (my third favorite), great album art, and this is definitely the albu
I love that opening riff, makes me moist Swine of the Holy Order by Knights of the Abyss - yo
One of my favorite Deathcore bands, saw them back in November with Veil of Maya, and they were defin
What’s a better way to celebrate Christmas than by listening to some good ol’ slam? Asph
Flash-back to my favorite song off of this amazing EP, I’m kinda sad that they’r
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