sexy style
nature's curtains
douglas simonso
A spectacular Red Sarracenia Moorei with black veins! . . #sarracenia #sarraceniamoorei #moorei #sar
At @pdxpitchers here is late pitcher on the new cultivar S. Catrin Claire. One of the most spectacul
The first rain has fallen and it makes all the Sarracenia outside look so lovely!
Drosera x eloisiana (formerly known as Drosera beleziana) growing in the bogs of England.
It’s going to be another hot day in California with temperatures in the 90’s! Th
While it certainly looks like a Sarracenia, psittacina does stand out amongst its brothers and siste
The rim of this Sarracenia leucophylla has been delicately lined with a soft pink.
Can you ever have too many? (I certainly hope not since there’s like a million more behind
This tropical drosera hybrid is unfurling a few new leaves in the center. I always love how they sta
Drosera x eloisiana (formerly known as Drosera beleziana) growing in the bogs of England.
Pygmy sundews look like fireworks when viewed up close!
The differences between Utricularia sandersonii and Utricularia sandersonii ‘Blue&rsqu
Our mass planting of Venus flytraps is flowering!
This is actually one of the smaller Pinguicula flowers; it may not be as big as the other ones but i
This Roridula has gathered quite a few tasty bugs, too bad there are no assassin bugs to do the hard
The color of this Sarracenia x ‘Dana’s Delight’ is positively electric
This large, sunset colored Sarracenia caught my eye this morning. Standout shape and form, large siz
Nepenthes bicalcarata has a glistening drop hanging off one of its famous fangs.
This Pinguicula is enjoying a crane fly meal
The first rain has fallen and it makes all the Sarracenia outside look so lovely!
I love the gentle, sophisticated curves of this Heliamphora pitcher and it’s nectar spoon.
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