Citadel Miniatures
mathawee thongthaitae
julia schwartz
Ogroid MyrmidonI got this beautiful model back in February and it took me this long to get the coura
Empire Regimental Mascot! Loved painting this Middlehammer classic over the last day. Unfortunately
Black Templars Intercessors, fun little kitbash of Primaris Crusader and Assault Intercessor bits. T
Repulsor Executioner for my Black Templars!
Impulsor for my Black Templars! Actually not too tough to paint, and I’m pretty happy with the
Magore’s Fiends! Fun little palette cleanser.
Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers - these guys kick a stupid amount of butt, and I can’t
Primaris Sword Brethren! These dudes were good fun to paint, though getting around the tabards and c
Primaris Hellblasters for my Black Templars. Had a ton of fun converting and painting up these bois!
After failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players)
The FarstridersI’ve finished by third Warhammer Underworld’s warband ahead of a tourname
Skitarii Ranger Squad from Forgeworld KataigidaHere is the first finished Skitarii Ranger squad from
Knight-Relictor for my Undying Phalanx. Neat model, even if he likely won’t see much use.
Stormcast Eternals Vanquishers! Love these models and had a fantastic time painting them. All those
Primaris Chaplain for my Black Templars, a mighty fun mini to paint!
Stormstrike Chariot, an absolute banger of a model, and debatably the one that got me started on my
Knight-Vigilor for my Stormcast Eternals. Big fan of this model, and his birbdogs too!
gallopsalot:Next step: HighlightingNow this is the step i’m worst at. I have yet to make an ed
Forgeworld Kataigida Secutarii AxiarchAs part of my doubles tournament army I wanted to use some Sec
Evil Sunz Shokkjump DragstaToday I finally finished off my Shokkjump Dragsta! I started this model a
5 more Bladeguard Veterans for my Templars! That’s 10 now, and firmly enough swords and boards
Bladeguard Ancient for my Black Templars. Real fun mini to knock out.
More Primaris Aggressors, plus a family photo of all 6 of them!
Black Templars Bladeguard Veterans, extremely detail-intensive models but I’m happy with how t
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