Classical School
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Sisyphus, Titian, 1548-49
La Poupee (少女) Sakura with a classical school uniform.
The Feast of the Gods, Giovanni Bellini and Titian, ca. 1514-29
Design for a Neoclassical Building, Thought to be a School of Arts for the City of StockholmLouis Gu
Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)second half of
Tannhäuser and Venus, Otto Knille, 1873
Venus and Adonis, Titian, ca. 1555-60
Musician Angel (Putto Playing the Lute), Rosso Fiorentino, 1518
L’école de Platon = The School of PlatoJean Delville (Belgian; 1867–1953)1898Oil on canvasMusée d'Or
Portraits of a Young Woman and Two Young MenGuido Reni (Italian; 1575–1642), school of17th centuryOi
An Assembly of the Gods, with Jupiter Embracing Minerva, Venus Confronting Diana Observed by Hercule
Allegory (Venus, Flora, Mars, and Cupid), Paris Bordone, 1550s
The Upbringing of Jupiter on Mount Ida, Crete, Hermann Steinfurth, 1846
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
Hercules and the HydraGuercino (Italian; 1591–1666)Drawing in red chalkca. 1640s–50sThe British Muse
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
Cupid Restraining the Enraged Mars (study for a lost painting)Guercino (Italian; 1591–1666)ca. 1640P
Orpheus and EurydiceAgostino Carracci (Italian; 1557–1602)ca. 1590–95Engraving on ivory laid paperNa
Venus and Cupid, Lambert Sustris, ca. 1560
life-of-a-latin-student:Nobody attacks me without punishment.Optime!
Aurora Taking Leave of TithonusFrancesco Solimena (Italian; 1657–1747)1704Oil on canvas J. Paul Gett
Mercury and the Graces, Tintoretto, 1577
Venus with Organist and Cupid, Titian, ca. 1555
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