the witch 2015
classicalmonuments:Terrace of the LionsDelos, Greece6th century BCEThe original row of 9 to 12 (alth
classicalmonuments:Temple of ApolloDidyma, Turkeyca. 300 BCE - ca. 200 CE
classicalmonuments:Doric Fountain HouseIalysos, Rhodes, Greece3rd century BCEDoric order
classicalmonuments:Monumental Arch of PalmyraPalmyra, Syria3rd century CEThe Monumental Arch was bui
classicalmonuments: Temple of Dionysus or LiberSalona, Dalmatia, Croatia~1st century CEThe temple of
classicalmonuments:Tetragonos Agora(Commercial Agora )Ephesus, Turkey1st century BCE111 x 111 mThe C
classicalmonuments:Temple of Apollo Portonaccio, Veii (Veio), Italy510 BCEEtruscanThis sanctuary, am
classicalmonuments:Temple of DusharaSi (Seeia), Hauran, Syria1st century BCEThe ground-plan was unmi
classicalmonuments:Ostrusha moundShipka, Bulgaria4th century BCEThe Ostrusha mound is a Thracian bur
classicalmonuments:Diocletian’s MausoleumDiocletian’s palace, Dalmatia, Croatia305 CE
classicalmonuments:Kazanlak ТombKazanlak, Bulgaria4th century BCEIt comprises a passage, a rectangul
classicalmonuments:Temple of AugustusPula, Croatia27 BCE14 m highCorinthianDedicated to the first Ro
classicalmonuments:Temple of Athena NikeAthens’ Acropolis, Greece420 BCEStylobate: 8.27 m x 5.64 m;
classicalmonuments:Temple of AphaeaAgia Marina, Attica, Greece~500 BC80 m. length/widthThe Temple of
classicalmonuments:1. Marble stele of a youth and a little girlAttica, Greece~530 BCE423.4cm2. Fragm
classicalmonuments:Funerary Temple (tomb number 86)Palmyra (Tadmor), Syria2nd century - 3rd century
classicalmonuments:Temple of Delian Apollo (”The Portara”, the lintel)Peninsula of Palatia, Naxos, C
classicalmonuments:Heroon at SagalassosSagalassos, Turkey27 BCE – 17 CE14 m. highThe Heroon consists
classicalmonuments:Hadrians Propylon and TempleTermessos, Pisidia, Asia Minor (Turkey)2nd century CE
classicalmonuments:Temple of Athena NikeAthens’ Acropolis, Greece420 BCEStylobate: 8.27 m x 5.64 m;
classicalmonuments:Altar of ZeusOlympiaUnknown ancient period7 m. highAlthough some reconstructions
classicalmonuments:Propylaea of Athens AcropolisAthens, Greece432 BCEThe monumental gateway to the A
classicalmonuments:Tomb of Midas (and his “city” as well)Yazılıkaya, Eskişehir, Turkey6th-7th centur
classicalmonuments:Terrace of the LionsDelos, Greece6th century BCEThe original row of 9 to 12 (alth
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