Community Event
Tit bounce gif
turns head
adobe sketch
Hey #ottawa - massive thanks to everyone who came out over the last 2 days/nights help us celebrate
midniter: @creatorsofcolornet event 8: fall colors ————— Troy & Abed —————
On this global day dedicated to giving back, I hope you’ll consider making a gift close to home by s
In our next Brooklyn Talks this Thursday, April 26, explore forms of intergenerational Latinx activi
We’re delighted to be participating in these two great events about coops![Image Description: 2 Flye
A delicious view of our #festival snack offerings brought to you by @exploreterra20 - #handmade pota
NEW GAME ALERT II - @thesopranos #pinball has arrived at TARG and it is killer - hit the boat for #m
WIZARD1 is dreaming of special events and the open road - meanwhile the TARG wizards are at your ser
NEW GAME ALERT!! Tee’d Off (1986 TECMO) has arrived at the arcade and it’s awesome!! Give this class
SPOTTED!! @ratbonespunkrock rockin’ the classic TARG T in Milan, Italy - awesome!!! #ottawa #pinball
‘King Of Cutlery’ featuring #wizard barback @chaosfukker #ottawa #pinball #perogies #classic #arcade
BRUNCH is served!! Join us every Sunday at the House of TARG starting at 11am for #familyfriendly ar
Picture perfect perogi plate - fully loaded!! Our famous handmade perogies are always available fres
SPOTTED!! Our pal @lilkooz rocks the classic TARG baseball T, widely considered to be one of the sof
Having a blast tending bar and cooking up our delicious handmade perogies from 3pm till midnight at
BRUNCH is served!! Join us every Sunday starting at 11am for #familyfriendly arcade hangs - eggs, ba
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