Crossover Pairing
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My self-isolation hyperfixation is a bizarre and inexplicable crossover pairing developed with @vile
Ah..! Um.. I’m sorry…Forgive me, Sir……Wait.Sergei Dragunov x Ada WongShort comi
melting-pot-fanfiction:Sweet ReliefRated MAuthor: ABrighterDarknessPairing: Bruce Banner/Hermione Gr
Wolves in IcelandAuthor: TakingFlight48Rated: MaturePairing: Hermione Granger/Fenrir Greyback/Logan
mrvlmagic:Today’s Mini bang reveal find Hermione bound to two powerful beings!Mischief BoundAuthor:
mrvlmagic:Our Mini Bang reveal for today gives us an exciting mystery to solve!Magic UnknownAuthor:
serennog: How’s this for a crossover pairing? Gretel/Henry. And yes, I realise I’m gett
Tryst in the DungeonRated: MaturePairing: Loki/Severus SnapeFandoms: Harry Potter, MarvelWord Count:
‘tis the season Author: xxDustNight88Rated: Teen and UpPairing: Loki/Pansy ParkinsonFandom(s):
Their Own Holiday Magic Author: thescarletphoenixxRated: General AudiencePairing: Draco Malfoy/Wanda
National Treasure? National Menace Author: MWolfe13Rated: Teen and UpPairing: Clint Barton/Hermione
hermiones-haven: Mooncalves Author: SlytherinOwlRated: General AudiencesPairing: Hermione Granger/St
Frozen Magic Author: Squarepeg72Rated: Teen and UpPairing: Jane Foster/Harry PotterFandom(s): Harry
A Frozen Beginning Author: GaeilgeRuaRated: General AudiencePairing: Darcy Lewis/Theo NottFandom(s):
hermiones-haven: Wolves in Iceland Author: TakingFlight48Rated: MaturePairing: Hermione Granger/Fenr
Your Beautiful Eyes Never Looked So Good Author: remarkable1Rated: MaturePairing: Lucius Malfoy/Tony
Christmas Obliviation Author: aleysiasnapeRated: Teen and UpPairing: Dr. Victor Von Doom/Hermione Gr
Chocolate Surprise! Author: MWolfe13Rated: Teen and UpPairing: Daphne Greengrass/Sam WilsonFandom(s)
mrvlmagic:Our last Mini bang reveal is a captivating crossover between not just the Marvel and Harry
mrvlmagic:Today’s Mini Bang reveal is a touching story of fate, family, and love!Watch Over MeAuthor
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