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As if the Baby Boxfish weren’t cute enough already, Nature adds polka dots just to be extra su
A pretty seamount in the Misool region of Raja Ampat - Karang Bayangan (aka Shadow Reef)curiomo
An Anemonefish, cozy and immune to the stinging cells of the anemone, blowing in the soft current -
A tiny crab (unidentified species) found living in the tight confines of a sea fan - photo taken at
The only way to light up a scene in deep water is to bring a lot of your own light - photo taken in
Yellowmask Surgeonfish can alter their body colors from bright blue to nearly black - photo taken at
The underwater world is so amazing when you light it up, unveiling so many rich colors that are typi
A dreamy scene as this Jellyfish bobs its way through the warm waters of the Indian Ocean - photo ta
The Blue-Ringed Octopus is a tiny and extremely venomous cephalopod found in the tropical waters of
Spotted Eagle Rays propel themselves through our tropical and warmer temperate oceans using their wi
Cuttlefish are amazing creatures that can instantly vary their color and shape either for camouflage
Clown Triggerfish - photo taken in the Halmahera Sea, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
A delicate shrimp finds its way across the reef using its advanced vision and antennae - photo taken
Haig’s Porcelain Crab can be found living on the soft body of various types of Sea Pens - phot
The Stubby Squid (rossia pacifica), pictured here with a mustache, can be found in waters of the nor
Hang in there little Sea Snail - photo taken in Hood Canal, WA
For such a common animal (and food item) shrimps are beautiful creatures that keep reefs free from d
The Stubby Squid (rossia pacifica), pictured here with a mustache, can be found in waters of the nor
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