Dbh Cosplay
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“Violence is the only language humans understand” ⭕North costest from Detroit: Become Hu
Aye so Laast LGW i went as Daniel from Detroit: Before human, i finished his shirt literally the nig
My version of cosplay fem!RK900
Human blood is red Thirium is blue I want to share my memories With you
Peaceful ending HC, in which Markus spends all her free days in a summer residence painting the pict
We are alive! ⭕
Jericho. Nov 9th, 2038 Preparing for the Freedom March ✊⭕️You may support our caffeine addiction he
In a few hours, it’ll all be over… We’ll have changed the world or the world will have destroyed us…
The mechanic soul of a dreamer painted with the brightest colours that never fade Female Simon look
We complete each other
Chapter: Stranger Playable character: Markus Markus discovers a damaged android in an abandoned bui
An eye for an eye and the world goes blind. We won’t punish a crime with another crime. ⭕️
Markus: the sunset looks beautiful todaySimon: yes, indeed Markus: you know what else is beautiful?S
Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses,Cause we’re gonna take a ride ❤️️❤️️ Stealing Jessie Williams
Violence is the only language humans can understand, so let’s make it crystal clear for them ⭕️
“My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife.”Photos by Kayde GureckiFollow me on:TwitterIn
⭕«This is the new RK900. Faster. Stronger. More resilient. You’ve become obsolete, Conno
DBH RK900 hoody! I love to make individual orders. It was a sweatshirt from a drawing @marshall.migr
“I just wanted to stay alive. Come back to the one I love”. Traci costest from
Big Cat Energy (Inspired by @graysonfin cosplay)
Instagram of the cosplayer: dina_bay_
Reed900 shooting with old Gavin is available on Gumroad [CLICK]Gavin Reed/editing - me [twitter
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