gil birmingham
joseph albers
toody cole
deathandmysticism:Old Baptist Chapel, Rambles round Rossendale, 1888
deathandmysticism:Astronomical diagrams, Salzburg, early 9th century
deathandmysticism:All-sky view of the Leonids shower, 156 meteors were captured in this 4 hour image
deathandmysticism:José Guadalupe Posada, Detail of The Calavera of Don Quixote, early 20th century
deathandmysticism:Fray Diego de Valadés, The Great Chain of Being, Rhetorica Christiana, 1579
deathandmysticism:Clarence Larkin,Holy City, Study of the Book of Revelation, 1919
deathandmysticism:Sendan Kendatsuba banishing evil, 12th century
deathandmysticism:Ptolemy employing a quadrant and pointing to the Earth, Principles of astrology an
deathandmysticism:Baltasar de Echave Ibía, The lmmaculate Conception, 17th century
deathandmysticism:Spiritualist medium Stanisława Tomczyk levitating a pair of scissors, Poland, 1909
deathandmysticism:Hands of the Italian Spiritualist physical medium Eusapia Palladino, Eusapia Palla
deathandmysticism:Edward B. Foote, Medical common sense applied to the causes, prevention and cure o
deathandmysticism:Robert Fludd, An Astrologer Casting a Horoscope, Utriusque Cosmi Maioris Scilicet,
deathandmysticism:Orphevs evcharisticvs, 1657
deathandmysticism:Rembrandt, Skeleton Rider, ca. 1655
deathandmysticism:Wilhelm von Zimmern, Zimmerische Totentanz, ca. 1540-50
deathandmysticism:José Guadalupe Posada, Detail of The Calavera of Don Quixote, early 20th century
deathandmysticism:Alexandre Perier & Lourenço Morganti, Desenganno dos Peccadores, 1735
deathandmysticism:The problem of age, growth, and death, 1908
deathandmysticism:Taddeo di Bartolo, St. Geminianus exorcising the daughter of the Byzantine emperor
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