Decades Legacy
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Dearest Mama & Papa,As I write to you, it is almost a year to the day since I arrived in Windenb
Random gameplay pics from 1890 - 1891. So I didn’t realise the card table was a thing, so I’ve been
Dearest Mr & Mrs Greenberg,You are to be congratulated on the birth of your granddaughter, Sarah
The Rozenfeld family, taken 1893.
Dear Diary,How lovely to finally write those words. Mama and Papa brought [sic] me you for my birthd
The Rozenfeld family, taken 1891.
Esther and Avram’s wedding photo, taken 1889.
Some close-ups of Sarah and Esther, taken about 1903.
Written on the back - ‘Gitti at the old farm house, 1900′.
Various gameplay pics: Gabe sitting on Mama’s rocking chair while she knits; Dad telling Sarah and G
From left to right - Gitti, Sarah and Gavriel, November 1895.
Esther’s family, the Greenbergs, taken 1890. From left to right, standing in the back is Anshel, Cha
Sarah aged up! Here she is with Gitti and Perl, about 1899 - 1900.
Life in the military field was hard for Lawrie. It seemed that the other boys had begun to make
It was a rainy afternoon at the Walsh house. Lawrie was celebrating his birthday but no one was
Dear Mama and Papa,I hope this letter finds you well. We certainly are! We seem to have hit our stri
As the war continued, Lawrie and Jackson had to fight as well. Lawrie was barely holding a rifl
Universities have closed due to the war. May didin’t want to go home, her desire was to b
May had been avoiding Terrence all week, but one day he stopped her in town.-After the party you ign
Going to a party alone would have been considered inappropriate, but May decided to go anyway.
May was quite stressed out, both from the study and from the news of the impending war. Not to
Olive my beloved sister,hearing you were admitted to music school warms my heart. I hope, since we a
My dearest sister,I’m finally an adult. My birthday was delightful but I wished you were b
previous ➺ next Dear Mother,There is something in the air of Windenburg, and it is fertility. Not si
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