Digimon Confessions
this fine
dick tequila
I’m late, I know, but Taichi’s reaction to Koushiro’s expertise in the
I’d like to see a Digidestined who was born in the Digital World.
Bastemon deserved better than to get to only one kill and mostly sit in the box. She needed more mom
I didn’t like Daisuke much as a kid but he’s grown on me rewatching the series n
I like the little character details that 2020 has been giving us so far. Since really I’m
In my opinion, Adventure is to Digimon what Generation 1 is to Transformers - I love it very much, b
I like that Mimi was the third one to unlock Perfect level in the 2020 anime. It changes up the orde
I really want to see alternate evolution paths explored in the anime. Digimon aren’t pokem
The only thing I dislike about the reboot so far is the lack of digivolution sequences. They were th
We have so many Taichis now it’s a blessing and a curse for me.
Numemon is still missing in the reboot. I don’t care if it’s a snail or a slug i
I’m just here to say that I want vademon’s shop to have at least a cameo in the
Gatomon is my favourite partner but what really bugs me is that the writers can never seem to decide
Now that they’re updating Adventure, I wonder if they’ll update Adventure 02 or
I am waiting for December, so that I can play Digimon World on my PS5.
I wish it didn’t feel like they forgot the non-Buddy appmon they collected were still ther
I do hope we get to see SkullGreymon in the reboot. Only like, with more pathos involved if possible
“sees picture of Crescemon’s collectors cards” …. is it me
I hope there isn’t a big emphasis on shipping in Adventure 2020. The protags are fourth th
In my opinion, out of all the Dark Masters Puppetmon was the most likely choice to make a Heel Face
My wishlist of things I want to see in Digimon 2020 is rather small and probably unrealistic for a l
I really like when the various Digivices actually show things on their screens. It’s alway
when tri was announced I was filled with joy. when I saw it for 1st time it had the same feeling as
I hope we can get a scene in Adventure: 2020 where Taichi actually uses the goggles to protect his e
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