hatt cho
volume 6
date outfit
badlydrawndrawning art
Ahhhhhh, it worked!!! My dye bath with the weirdest mix ratio of colors I’ve ever worked w
If the 10 yards of fabric I’m dyeing right now will look like this once they’re
Totally lucked out and found these vintage Victorian buttons to use for season 1 Dolores’
Ahhhhhh, it worked!!! My dye bath with the weirdest mix ratio of colors I’ve ever worked w
Westworld - Dolores #doloresabernathy #westworld #tvshow #hbo #ai #life #west #fanarts #illustratio
Cutting out Dolores’ skirt panels… #doloresabernathy #doloresabernathycosplay #
I’m so proud of this closure, you have no idea Overall, my S1 Dolores skirt is shaping up
One corset is done, yay Now on to finishing the one for S2 Dolores… #doloresabernathy #do
These pintucks took forever And they gave me serious war flashbacks to when I was making my Jyn Erso
I can’t tell you how pleased I am with how Dolores is coming together so far #doloresabern
Making some custom-bias tape to bind the edges of my Dolores corsets… I haven’t
Belt buckles for Dolores are here Let’s get to weathering them… #doloresabernat
Dolores Abernathy: 2x09 “Vanishing Point”
daeneryssansa: #mood
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