grey coral
kudou haruka
dwimmerlaiks:Finrod Felagund + Gold for advancedtreelover / artcredit// Silmarillion Graphics Series
dwimmerlaiks:A compilation of people who are 500% done with Thorin; and Thorin not giving a fuck.
dwimmerlaiks:“The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves”
dwimmerlaiks:“The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves”
dwimmerlaiks:Father and Son
dwimmerlaiks:50 Days until The Desolation of Smaug! (with Lee Pace)
dwimmerlaiks:My Tolkien Secret Santa for @toradh (who is an amazing artist btw, check out their blog
abadpoetwithdreams:dwimmerlaiks:Middle-earth History Meme: 1/5 Elves: Beleg CúthalionBeleg Cúthalion
dwimmerlaiks:Middle-earth History Meme: 1/3 Quotes:“We have sworn, and not lightly. This oath
tyelpings:misbehavingmaiar:dwimmerlaiks:ok I just love that ‘minor melkorism’ is actually a thingals
dwimmerlaiks:Father and Son
dwimmerlaiks:Middle-earth History Meme: Yet more Elves! (The Children of Finarfin & Eärwen … als
dwimmerlaiks:“You’re right. I do believe the worst is behind us.”
dwimmerlaiks:Middle-earth History Meme: 1/3 Quotes:“We have sworn, and not lightly. This oath
dwimmerlaiks:“A sister they had, Galadriel, most beautiful of all the house of Finwë; her hair was l
dwimmerlaiks:Now the Shadow grew ever greater, and the hearts of Elrond and Mithrandir darkened. The
dwimmerlaiks:9 Pictures of Ian McKellen - Actors of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
dwimmerlaiks:Inspired by this(x) and of course the original antm ep
dwimmerlaiks:Aredhel - ”Noble Elf”, the sister of Turgon of Gondolin, who was ensnared by Eöl in N
dwimmerlaiks:Graphics Challenge | Family, lineage and relationships in Middle-earth - 1/10
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