steven cox
lloyd schermer
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Frog’s Breath is an essential ingredient when conducting any transformation or transfigura
Upon looking closely at the graveyard, it seems more rodents have joined us. The Gravekeeper will no
Our Gravekeeper has begun work on the graveyard. We are so very pleased to see our residents again.
A brighter view on the ongoing accident. Our skeleton friend seems to have dislocated a shoulder.
The manor’s Garden Ghost is now beginning work on the grounds. She brought with her an ass
We do not advise trusting the balcony. It is, in general, unreliable.
An endless hallway seems to be growing in the manor’s attic.
It has been far too long since we last made our voice heard. The Lady of Eidolon Manor fell ill and
Poisonberry Pie, one of our favourites.
It seems the Sleeping Curse Roses have started to come in again. Dreadful things. Be careful not to
We received this darkling wreath for the funeral service. We think it adds to the ambiance of the co
The Manor librarian has returned from her travels to take residence in the attic and oversee the lib
We should have mentioned: the tower room exists now.
We were pleasantly surprised by the gravekeeper today. Apparently this cat refused to stay buried, a
The windows are now uncovered and the cat has come to play with the fish (how either of these two ha
When the ghosts actually want to get work done, they are among the most reliable of spirits.
The library has had a series of fits and starts, with the ghosts bickering about every element of it
It seems a chandelier has damaged the floor of the library. What an unfortunate turn of events. How
The bedroom is, at last, nearly resurrected, and it would seem that yet another cat has moved into t
The cats are evidently outside as the funeral mouse came to see the bed the ghouls have assembled fo
Ah. The ghouls have begun work on the bedroom after much prodding by the ghosts. It must be said gho
With the help of the gravekeeper, Scarecrow Jack has recovered his straw and clothing. We imagine hi
Scarecrow Jack is assembling himself in the graveyard. We can only presume a murder–of cro
Pumpkins have started to appear as Halloween draws near, though we do hope the fellows decide to sta
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