destroy colonialism
nude muscle
floranude:existea:e x i s t e aXxxnitroxed
aestheticales:existea:e x i s t e a//G O L D O U X
eruhption:existea:gholdust:clairatea:c l a i r a t e aig/ffsmalak xe x i s t e a+
existea:flohrile:flohrilee x i s t e at a u a h
flaurity:bllanked:existea:flohrile:flohrilee x i s t e aBLLANKED | q’df l a u r i t yG O L D O U X
existea:e x i s t e a
coffeeous:efflxurer:bravend:existea:e x i s t e a–xxcoffeeous
imbusion:cahlmest:vagueh:kartuzi:existea:coffeeous:coffeeouse x i s t e aK A R T U Z I vagueh be kin
resveur:coastiah:kartuzi:existea:kartuzi:ammetrine://K A R T U Z I e x i s t e a~Make sure to smile
elixirth:dulceih:excludeing:nitroxed:athaeila:flawiest:eruhption:rhosal:existea:kartuzi:K A R T U Z
ello-bby:arunnai:toffeely:flowure:toffeely:inspodior:cxramels:existea:flohrile:flohrilee x i s t e a
etoilly: existea: cxramels: ⇢ C X R A M E L S ⇠ e x i s t e a it is not the length of life, but
glowust:tuliph:existea:neuhtrals:ungolde:kartuzi:breathe-e:B R E A T H E - EK A R T U Z I u n g o l
euvphony:calmh:existea:e x i s t e ac a l m he u v p h o n yG O L D O U X
existea: e x i s t e a +
ocea:fhaint:existea:e x i s t e aq’dJOIN MY FAVOURITES HERE.don’t forget to smile to
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